California’s creative energy and vast talent pool is well-known. The state is home to a diverse community of innovators who work in fields such as the arts, technology, public policy and entertainment, just to name a few.
Within the state’s vibrant arts community, who are the up and coming artists working today? Whose work stands out? Who should you learn more about? To help answer those questions, California Home+Design Magazine has just published a list of The Top 10 California Artists You Need to Know in 2012, five of whom are from Los Angeles. While this list is by no means the last word on emerging talent currently working in California or LA, it’s a good place to start your exploration of the local art scene.
Works by two of the Los Angeles based artists are shown below.
Sanya Kantarovsky, Today I Wrote Nothing, 2012; powder coated steel, alkyd enamel and pigment.
Carter Mull, Overturn, 2011; c-print on gloss paper with pasted print.
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